31 Days of Organizing Tips: Day 21 (Kids’ Bedrooms)

Welcome to Day Twenty-One of the 31 Days of Organizing Tips series!  Throughout this series I’m sharing organizing tips that will help you on your journey from overwhelmed to organized.  

If your kids’ rooms are overwhelming, then today’s organizing tips are for you!  

Bedrooms are used for sleeping {hopefully!} but they also hold kids’ clothes, books and often toys. Many times off season clothes or clothes to grow into are also stored in kids rooms. If there aren’t organized systems in place, kids’ rooms can get overwhelming.  But there’s hope… read on.

Here are a few tips for organizing kids’ rooms:

1.  Use the space under kids’ beds for storing toys or off season clothes.

Under the bed bins for kids toys.

Organized Kids’ Rooms

2.  Bookshelves are great for storing books, but they also give kids a place to display special items such as pictures, breakable items, trophies, and treasured creations.

Bookshelves in kids room.

Organizing Kids’ Rooms

Here’s an example where floating shelves are used to store Lego creations. If you’ve got a Lego creator in your family and they want to enjoy what they’ve build for awhile, then shelves give them a safe space for their masterpieces so they aren’t accidentally broken.

Lego shelves in kids room.

Organized Kids’ Rooms

3.  Roll clothes to save space in drawers or organizer bins.  Plus it makes it easier to find what you’re looking for without the mess that comes with clothes that are in piles (you know you always need one from the bottom or middle of the pile!).

Organizing Kids’ Clothing

4.  Use drawer dividers to help keep dresser drawers neat and tidy (and add shelf paper, wrapping paper, or wallpaper to pretty up the inside – your kids will want to keep them neater!). You can purchase spring loaded adjustable dividers, or you can use short bins or boxes inside the drawers (shoe boxes work well!). Dividers help keep clothes separated so you don’t end up with a big jumbled mess. And if you prefer “file” your clothes instead of rolling them or piling them, dividers will help keep them upright. Here’s a simple tutorial to make dividers.

DIY Drawer Dividers for Kids’ Dressers

5.  Use double rods and lots of shelves in kids’ closets to maximize space and make everything accessible for kids.  You can also hang off season clothes up high and the current season’s clothes lower.  If you’re storing toys in the closet, use containers on the shelves to keep everything grouped and organized.

Organized kids closet with hanging clothes and plastic bins.

Kids’ Closet Organization

6.  If you store hand-me-down clothes from an older child for a younger one (or are fortunate enough to receive hand-me-downs from a friend or relative), you can store them in bins on the top shelf of their closet so when your child suddenly has a growth spurt you can easily swap out their small clothes for the right size. Here’s a great inventory list to help you remember what you have and see if you have any items you’ll need to buy.

Hand-me-down Organizer Printable

Please remember to pin from the original source for all of these pictures!

For Day Twenty-One, go through your child’s room and purge as much as possible. Then choose one of these tips and get started on organizing their room.

For more ideas on organizing bedrooms, follow my organizing bedrooms Pinterest board.

How do you organize your kids’ bedrooms?  What’s the best organizing tip you’ve implemented?

If you need help decluttering or organizing, contact me for in-person organizing services in the Mississauga area, or virtual organizing services anywhere else. 

Happy organizing!